Our objective is to encourage union participation to generate solutions that promote the sustainable growth of the aluminum industry, working in interrelated commissions made up of professionals and companies with shared objectives, interests and challenges.
Technical and Regulatory Affairs Commission
Help companies have the tools and technical skills to ensure that products, services and production processes comply with standards and regulations, to maintain the trust of users and consumers in national and international markets.
Communication and Promotion Commission
Develop promotional activities, the institutional image and communication strategies in accordance with the objectives of the Chamber and its affiliates; to build an identity of solidity, dynamism and representativeness
Sustainable Development Commission
Promote the sustainable development of the industry through the efficient and responsible use of natural, technical and human resources, to generate shared value, competitive advantages, possibilities of access to new markets, greater productivity, economic growth and social well-being.

Energy Commission
Development Commission
International Trade and Globalization
Promote actions aimed at reducing the consumption of energy and resources, showing the technical and economic benefits of improving the efficiency of processes and the use of clean energy.
Monitor and warn of energy-related risks and opportunities that have an impact on industry activities.
Develop strategies and tools that allow promoting the economic and social development of our sector, through the attraction and attention of business opportunities for Mexican aluminum companies at a national and international level.
Develop effective internationalization strategies for companies in the sector. Introduce qualified Mexican companies to foreign markets by opening business opportunities with countries that have treaties or trade agreements.

Revenue Commission and
Innovation and Technology Commission
Integration Commission
Analyze the economic environment and the financial situation of the Chamber to establish income and expense forecasts for the period 2022-2023; as well as formulate the reports and observations that emerge from this exercise.
Develop strategies, plans and programs to promote scientific research, technological development and innovation as tools for the growth of the industry.
Identify the interests and needs of companies to establish strategies that promote their affiliation to the Chamber

Legal Commission
Security and Risk Management Commission
Commission for the Surveillance of Imports and Exports
Issue recommendations and generate tools to address key issues that affect the activities of companies, helping partners understand the challenges and opportunities related to the current legal environment in the country.
Identify and evaluate the risks for industrial activities, creating plans to reduce or control them, and generating tools that enhance the response capacity of companies in the face of any eventuality, reducing the effect they could have on their activities, their assets and people.
Develop surveillance strategies for foreign trade activities to prevent, detect and report unfair practices that affect the competitiveness of the national industry and slow down the economic development of our country.